All Horde races you can choose


the horde are the orcs, taurens, trolls and the undead. a much used pronouncementes of the horde are: "throm ka", "for the horde" or "for the warchief!" 


The orcs live in their new capital called ogrimmar wheir they live togeher with the trolls. the leader of the orcs is "warchief Thrall"


the taurens live in their capital city of Thunder Bluff, their leader is Cairne Bloodhof


The trolls just like the orcs live in ogrimmar, their leader is Vol'jin


The undead life in their capital city called Undercity build under the ruins of the lordearon capital. they are ruled by the banshee Qeeun slyvanas windrunner and her highest officer Varmithras.

Blood elves

The blood elves rebuilded a part of their capital of silvermoon, led by Reagent lord ... (i cant remeber his name)  their looking for revenge agianst arthas lich king and agianst Keal'thas

only available when you got the wow expansion: world of warcraft the burning crusade!